Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Clear Lake 10/4/2013 - 10/6/2013

Day#1  20-30 mph winds.  80 Degrees
Fished in Soda Bay and got some big fish.
Ryan Broke his all time best with a 5.5lber then the last fish of the day broke that with a 7lber. Guy didn't stop smiling the rest of the weekend.  He got a taste of California fishing.

I got a 6.5lb
Danny got 4.5

Day#2 Weather was perfect no wind wiht a high of 85. Probably too nice.
Got about 30 fish with nothing big.  Fished everywhere.
Eustice did lose a fish that will probably haunt him until next year. Fought him for about 1.5 minutes then came undone. 

Till next year.

Eustice 7lber
Eustice 7lber

Grant 6.5